.gobump img{ border: 5px solid #ccc; float: left; margin: 15px; -webkit-transition: margin 0.5s ease-out; -moz-transition: margin 0.5s ease-out; -o-transition: margin 0.5s ease-out; border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; } .gobump img:hover { margin-top: 2px; }


Friday, March 13, 2009

Organize Your Website

Organizing your website file structure is one of the easiest things to do yet to often ingored by many webmasters. Whether your starting from scratch or you have an existing website; this article will show you how to keep your website files organized in a manageable order.

The easiest way to organize your website is group your documents and images together in there own separate folders. Along with keeping your documents separated into folders you will want to make sure you name documents and images properly; so you can easily find them.

Root Folder Your website main folder is called the root folder. This is where your index.html (home page) is located. In the root folder is where you will create all the other folders to help keep your website organized. The root folder should only contain your home page index document and any system documents related to your website configuration like the php.ini file or sitemap.xml files.

Pages Folder
First we are going to organize your website page documents. Create a sub-folder in your root folder called "pages". Then move all your .html pages from the root folder to the "pages" folder. Please note that any links pointing to the original location of these pages must be changed to point to the new location inside the "pages" sub-folder.

Images Folder Next we are going to organize your website images (graphics). Create a sub-folder in your root folder called "images". Then move all your images (.jpg .gif .png) documents from the root folder to the "images" folder. Again, any image links that point to the images need to be changed to point to the new loccation inside the "pages" sub-folder.

CSS Folder If you have a style sheet it is a good idea to keep that in a separate folder as well. Create a new sub-folder in your root folder called "css". Then more your website style sheet to that new location. Remember to change your inline style sheet link to point to the new location inside the "css" sub-folder.

Now that you have organized your website it is important to keep it organized while you continue to develope and add content. Keeping your website organized makes it easy for you or anyone to update your website in the future.

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