Find Downloaded Files
Ever download a file from the Internet and then spend hours trying to find it on your computer, or give up after convincing yourself you must be crazy?Chances are:
* You're not crazy
* Your file did not slip into a black hole
* You can find it!
Here are the steps to finding your downloads whether you use MS Vista, Google Chrome, AOL, or Firefox
Difficulty: Easy
Using VISTA:Click on the Start Button
Click on Documents
Click on Downloads folder
You'll now be able to see a list of all your downloaded files. Select the file.
Using CHROME:Click Tools (looks like a little wrench on the right hand side)
Select Downloads
You'll now see a chronological list of all downloads for the past thirty days.
Select your file.
**For files more than thirty days old, or to quickly find a file by name: If you know at least part of the file name, you can enter it in the search box at the top and click on Search Downloads.
Using AOL:On the AOL Menu Bar
Click File
Click Download Manager
In the Download Manager window, highlight the file you want and click the Find File Button
Using FIREFOX:From the menu bar,
Select Tools
Select Downloads
The Download Manager window will show a list of downloaded files
Select your file
**Note, you may need to get the Download Manager add-on first!