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Friday, March 13, 2009

Get To The Control Panel In XP fast

The control panel is one of those useful tools that you want to get to quickly and efficiently. Especially when you are pressed for time, below are some simple shortcuts that I’ve used to get to the files that I need ASAP.

Your control panel has a list of applets that end in the extension .cpl these applets allow you to open up things like the ADD/REMOVE FOLDERS, OR MOUSE PROPERTIES etc. A lot of people don’t know that if you open up a run prompt and type in the specified applet name you can get to the tool instantaneously.
To open up a run prompt start by CLICKING THE WINDOWS BUTTON + R YOU SHOULD GET A RUN PROMPT dialog box.
CLICK TO ENLARGE From there type in any of the extensions I’ve that are listed in the image and hit enter. It should bring you exactly to the screen you are looking for without all the troublesome clicking. When you figure this out it's amazing how much it speeds up your productivity and saves you time. The only cumbersome thing is remembering the file name an extensions. Try it out you'll realize its worth the time to memorize it.

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