Enable Cookies
Cookies are a program in your computer that memorizes your activities. Sometimes it becomes neccassary to enable your cookies to complete certain tasks. It also can help protect you and your computer to delete your cookies now and then.Step1
There are different steps to take to enable your cookies on your computer based on what type of browser you are using. In general the steps are very similar and you more then likely will be able to figure it out following these steps. Step2
Located at the top of your computer when you are online is a tool bar. Pick the "Tools" option for Microsoft Internet Explorer users and Mozilla Firefox users. Select "Edit" tab for the Netscape users. You can also find "Internet Options" in your control panel, classic view. Step3
Next when a mini window appears scroll down and select "Internet Options" or "Options" or "preferences" again depending on what type browser you have. Step4
Now here is where you will notice some real differences depending on what browser you are using. In the mini window you will see different tabs at the top of the screen. You will need to choose either the "Security" tab, the "Advanced" tab, or the "Privacy" tab. Step5
There is where you will find the place to enable or set your cookie options. In the newer Microsoft Internet Explorer you will do this by sliding the tab on the area that says medium.