Many new bloggers do not realize that their blog is a NoFollow blog by default. That means that people leaving comments on your blog will not get any Google search engine credit when they leave a link with their comment. When your blog is NoFollow the Google search engine spiders ignore the outgoing links. What you want to do is make your
Log into your dashboardStep2
Click on the layout linkStep3
Click on the template tabStep4
Click on the edit HTML tabStep5
Check the expand widgets boxStep6
You now need to search for the NoFollow tag in your template. To make it easier for you hit the "Ctrl" key and the "F" keyStep7
A dialog box will open up probably near the bottom of your screen. Type in nofollow Step8
You will run across:rel='nofollow'
You need to delete this
After deleting this you need to save your templateStep10
You have now made your blog a DoFollow blog and your fellow bloggers will certainly appreciate it!Step11
On a side note here. You may run across another NoFollow tag for your backlinks. This is optional if you want to delete it. You have gotten the important one though already, the comments NoFollow tag.