Are you in a situation where more than one person utilizes your computer? Follow these quick and easy steps if you'd like to add another account on your computer to allow for an additional person to enjoy an individualistic Windows Vista experience.
Power Up Quite naturally, the first thing you're going to do is power up your personal computer (PC) in order to start the Windows Vista experience.Step2
Password If you have previously set up a Windows password, go ahead and enter it when the welcome screen populates (opens up), then either hit the "Enter" key or click the on screen arrow.Step3
Get Ready to Fly! Once your password has been verified, the blank screen that sits before you is officially known as the "Windows Desktop," or the desktop. These next couple of steps will fly by fast, so hang on to your seat cuz we're gonna fly now!Step4
In the far lower left hand side of your screen you will see the Microsoft Windows logo (an orange, green, blue, and yellow flag in a circular design). This logo is the "Start" button for Windows Vista. Click the "Start" button. When the list populates look off to the right and locate the "Control Panel" menu selection and click it.Step5
Green Light - Proceed In the window that populates (Control Panel), you are going to locate a section that reads "User Accounts and Family Safety." Look underneath that section and you should see a selection that reads "Add or Remove User Accounts" to the left of a tiny windows safety shield. Click there. (If windows asks for permission, you must click "Continue" in order to give Windows Vista the green light to proceed).Step6
The next screen will be the "Manage Accounts" window. You should see your own account here. Look underneath the large box that shows your account and a guest account (w/a suitcase Icon), and you will see a selection that reads "Create User Account," Click there and another screen will populate.Step7
Stop & Think Hard Here This next screen is asking you to "Name the account and choose an account type." This step is VERY IMPORTANT, so stop and think about the reliability and level of trust you place in this new user/person. Windows Vista wants to know whether or not you want this person to be a "Standard" user with limited rights to make changes to the system, or an "Administrator" with all rights to make any changes that they would like. Only you can make this decision, but use caution here.Step8
After you have made your decision and clicked the appropriate corresponding radio button (the circled button), then you can go ahead and click "Create Account." Voila, you're done! Now, the next time you turn on your computer you will see a new screen that will prompt you (ask you) to sign in to your own personalized user account. Try it out now, you can restart your computer to see the new changes. Happy Computing!